To All My Supporters!
Thanks so much to everyone who helped me get my amazing results. I could not have done it with out you.
To each and everyone one of the 12,681 people who voted for me, my heartfelt thanks.
This was an exciting election and l am very proud that l came within ONLY 302 votes for City Councillor.
I am very happy that we were able to elect Chak Au as a City Councillor and Rod Belleza, Kenny Chui and Norm Goldstein as School Trustee’s. They will all work hard and do a an amazing job.
Michael Wolfe, Michael Starchuk, Johnathan Ho and l all did our best and l think we can all be proud of our hard work and commitment.
Richmond residents have spoken and they have chosen their candidates now we can spend the next three years watching them and ensuring that they represent our concerns. I encourage you all to pay attention and speak up when there is something you feel is wrong because if you remain silent then you have no reason to complain.