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Caithcart Residents Association – Carol Day responds to the issues

Carol Day  -  Nov 04, 2011  -  No Comments

Hi Caithcart Residents Association,

This is a great letter, it is informative and your request to limit the acceptable noise limit in residential areas to 55 Decibel  C is extremely reasonable.  YES l will support this action.

I understand that the World Health Organization recommends 30 DBA for continuous indoor sound limits and you have done your homework to establish for the Caithcart residents  at limit of  55decibils C.

The Shark club is extremely lucky to have such reasonable neighbours and l plan to tell them that when l tour their facility. Had l been the neighbour, l probably would have fought to close them down since a public survey was not conducted prior to them being a granted a business licence by the city of Richmond.

Approximately 5 years ago  Richmond City Council vote to change the Pub Bylaw to no longer require a public survey for pubs in residential area’s and instead they changed the rules to make pub surveys at the discretion of council.I believe that the  Caithcart area has been the first victim of this change and you have suffered for two years with lack of sleep because of  the lack of public consultation.

I live at Ironwood and l fought the change to no longer require a public survey for new pubs because a pub was proposed for the Ironwood area. I lost that battle and vowed if l ever became a city councillor l would reinstate that bylaw. This vow comes too late for your neighbourhood but l will support your proposal of a 55 decibel C  request because it is the right thing to do.

Good luck  in your battle for quality of life and l will do what ever l can to support all Richmond  residents living near high noise, red zones in Richmond.

Carol Day
Candidate for Richmond City Council


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 Caithcart Residents Association wrote:

Hello Mayoralty, and Councillor candidates,

This letter is in regards to the City of Richmond’s proposed new Noise Bylaw, and the Residents of Caithcart Road.

Caithcart road is a residential street first established in the mid 1950’s.   Our other neighbour is a nightclub which backs onto numerous Caithcart homes.  This nightclub opened it’s noisy doors without the city or province having the courtesy of asking us if we wanted them living at our back door.  Since opening on December 19th 2009 our lives have changed immensely.   The major problem with this neighbour is low frequency bass noise from their loud speaker systems.  This infiltrates our homes and properties with a  opened their facolity with out a Public survey being conductedboom – boom – boom noise.  It can be very annoying and has disrupted the sleep of numerous residents.   This low frequency noise is measured as (Decibel “C”,  db C)

The Caithcart residents and a similar group from the Riverwind group in the Steveston area approached the city asking for noise relief from their neighbours.  From those council meetings, staff were asked to produce a new Noise Regulation Bylaw.  The draft copy of the new bylaw has now been distributed.  In the draft copy are the  limits the Night Club, and the residential neighbours will be allowed to produce.

Noise from residents on Caithcart Road: 55 Decibel C

Noise from our other neighbour – the Night Club: 60  Decibel C

A recent demonstration in a residents backyard facing the Night Club, at greater than 55 Decibel C the pounding bass was audible over background noise (wind, traffic, etc).  If it is 1 AM at night, and you have your windows open, you may be quite disturbed by that level of noise in your otherwise quiet bedroom.

That “5” Decibel C it is actually a 40% increase in perceived volume.  (city noise consultant)

Remember the quiet levels that most people are experiencing now are below the 55 db C level that has mentioned, but if we don’t advocate now then there will be no reason that businesses cannot create audible noise levels at 60 db C at every property on our street.

The draft bylaw proposes a DOUBLE STANDARD for neighbours.  The night club will be able to produce 60 db C every night of the week.  Where as a residential neighbour who may have a party once a year is allowed 55 db C.

It should also be noted that the very low frequency emitted from the night club “db C” has the ability to penetrate walls and windows with little in the way of noise reduction.  Which is the reason we have proved the limit of   60 db C is too high as received in a residential quiet zone.

Thus the Caithcart Residents are asking all prospective Mayoralty, and Councillor candidates for the upcoming civic election to support the Caithcart Residents in this matter.   When the new bylaw is presented for ratification you will ensure that the Caithcart residents will receive no more than 55 Decibel’s C from all adjacent neighbours, including the night club.

Please send a response email indicating whether you support or do not support the above limit.  Please be advised your answer will be public information.

Rose Worden
Caithcart Residents Association

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