The BC Conservatives have worked on relief for home owners who are burdened by strata fee costs that seem to go up and up without any real explanation of where all the money is going.
Home owners are at the mercy of Strata corporations and the home owners have been subjected
to huge increases in strata fees. Many of these owners are first-time buyers and they are struggling
to meet their monthly payments. The problem keeps getting worse. I support the BC Conservatives
policies which state regarding strata corporations and their practices:
“Defining and requiring full and proper disclosure of strata corporation business matters” and
“Strengthening accountability of strata management”
Home ownership is very expensive in the lower mainland and strata fees often break the bank ,so we
need to have policies in place that give some relief and accountability.
I plan to support new laws that will make the strata corporations more transparent and accountable.
I believe the BC Conservatives understand the difficulty home owners are experiencing and I want to
move forward with measures that will help.