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RITE Richmond


How Carol Day is involved with V.A.P.O.R. – Vancouver Aiport Project Opposition for Richmond

The Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation  (VAFFC ), limited its fuel-delivery project to only one method. a problem-filled one that Richmond cannot support. Vapor is the society formed by citizens stand up to VAFFC as it acted like bulldozer. A strong group of people came together with me to fight this assault on the Fraser River estuary. As Chair of VAPOR ( Vancouver Airport Proposal Opposition for Richmond), l have worked with them  to create awareness of the Jet Fuel proposal, starting with the estuary route. The proposal included a  marine terminal and 6 six story high jet fuel tanks next to Riverport and then the new pipeline. I organized many press conferences and rallies and did many media interviews as we declared our plans, and  collected thousands of petition signatures and reached all levels of government.

We have had serveral victories already. l presented to City Council and asked them to request an extension of the Environment assessment by the province, a council meeting with the 3 MLA’s and specific city council support for one of the fourteen jet fuel options. We suggested Option # 3, which is to upgrade the existing pipeline.After two presentations to the General Purposes committee, council adopted all of the VAPOR initiatives.We will not stop until VAFFC accepts Option # 3 and/or option # 8, which is a new pipeline  to the  Cherry Point refinery in Washington. The jet-fuel terminal and 80 million liter jet fuel tank “farm” on the estuary bank ( and the east end of Williams Road ) are NOT acceptable. Nor is bringing Panamax Tankers loaded with jet fuel through Steveston. Those ideas must be abandoned, and we will not stop until they are. Check out our web site

More about V.A.P.O.R.

(information courtesy of

Marine Terminal Proximity

Proximity of the Marine Terminal to Residential and Commerical Buildings

Project Proposal

Conecept drawing of the Marine Terminal and Tank Farm. Small oil tanker shown.

PanMax Tanker Footprint

The ACTUAL size (footprint) of 300 meter x 50 meter PanMax oil Tanker.

Potential Risk!

Spills on the Fraser:

VAFFC’s plan would have Oil tankers similar in size to one depicted below travelling 15 kilometers up Fraser River. Navigating around other commercial and recreational traffic and debris. Mooring and unloading on a busy river way is fool-hardy. Any spill that does occur will spread quickly due to the flow of the river. Posing significant risk to environment and those use and live near the river.

PanMax Tanker

Possible type and size of Fuel tankers that could be on the Fraser River.

Fuel Tanker spill

Fuel spill on the Mississippi River. Why risk the Fraser River to a similar fate?. Accidents, Acts of Nature and unforseen events happen, best option must be chosen and this is not it!

Liquefaction Map

Map of the Liquefaction hazard in Richmond, BC. To see a larger version Click Here.

Pipeline Route

Map of the Proposed Pipeline route. To see a larger version Click Here.

As Chair of VAPOR Vancouver Airport Pipeline Opposition for Richmond l have worked to create awareness of the Jet Fuel proposal for Richmond and organized a strong group of people to fight this aggressive assault on the Fraser River estuary.